Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cold Turkey

Over the last few days, I have been getting increasingly twitchy and shaky, feeling tired, finding it difficult to function, while always on the verge of wanting to shout at someone. My mouth is dry, however much fluid I drink. My eyes are strained, however long I keep them closed or in a darkened room. My stomach feels hungry when I don't eat and then nauseous when I do. I am taking very little pleasure from life at the moment.

Yes folks, I am suffering from full-on football withdrawal.

The Confederations cup is like methadone to me - it's just about keeping me going as a person, but there is barely any buzz to be had from it. I miss my Caley games on a Saturday, my English League football on the box on a Sunday, my Champions League during the week. I'm watching other sports at the moment - the Lions tour, Wimbledon, the Tour De France (when it starts), but nothing truly fills the void. Last year I could cope because of Euro two thousand-and-great, but I don't have that luxury this summer.

The Caley season kicks off on 25 July. I can't wait.

(Actually, the symptoms from the first paragraph are almost entirely due to sleep deprivation as I struggle to switch my body clock round after a week of night shifts. But that's besides the point).


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